In the news

Yad Leah events and initiatives are often featured in the news, and we’ve even been on TV! Read a selection of articles about Yad Leah from various media outlets.

Shira Bacon Bas Mitzvah

Yad Leah is an incredible organization that sends quality clothing to our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel in a most dignified manner. As I

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Shira Bacon Bas Mitzvah

Jade Hasson’s Bat Mitzvah

Chani and Ahuva’s Bas Mitzvah

Sofi Glatt’s Bat Mitzvah

Chaya Bieler’s Bat Mitzvah

Eliana Zanjirian’s Bat Mitzvah

Ellie Starr’s Bat Mitzvah

Suri Glassberg’s Bas Mitzvah

Bat Mitzvah Maya Wasserman

Test Mitzvah Post