How Yad Leah began

In 2003, Yad Leah co-founder Karen Thaler, an American expat living in Israel was on a visit back home when a friend offered her some clothing her kids had grown out of.

Karen would use some of it, but what should she do with the rest?

Her friend said simply,

“Even if you can’t use it, I’m sure there is someone who can.”

And that is how Yad Leah was born.

It started with just a few suitcases that were distributed personally, but rapidly grew to full shipping containers that are distributed to close to 30 communities around Israel.

On the American side, co-founder Jessica Katz has gone from sending those few suitcases, to running an industrial-sized warehouse and volunteer center where the clothing is sorted, folded, and packed. Jessica also plans and executes Yad Leah’s highly successful fundraisers and clothing drives.

At Yad Leah, our recipients’ dignity is at the core of it all.

We only accept clothing in excellent condition. Because stains and rips aren't pretty on anyone.
We set up the clothing like it's a regular store, with racks, shelves, fitting rooms and mirrors.Because shopping just like everyone else makes people feel normal.
Recipients pay a small amount for each item. Because no-one wants to feel like a charity case.
We help Jews in many different kinds of communities. Because poverty doesn't care about politics.

Donating to Yad Leah resonates with me because they help those in need in a manner that retains their dignity and self-respect.

Joshua Schwalbe

Yad Leah in facts and figures

Cost of shipping for one box of clothing

Boxes of clothing sent each year.

Families who are now able to dress themselves with dignity.

Impact on the lives of the recipients.

of people in Israel live
below the poverty line.

Yad Leah is helping those people in 23 communities across Israel. Poverty doesn’t care about politics and neither do we. If they’re part of the Jewish people, we’ll help them.

We’re proud donors of Yad Leah because we’ve seen personally how low they keep their overheads, so we know that every dollar is being used to the max to sensitively build the dignity of our brothers and sisters in Israel.

Gershon & Aviva Distenfeld

Our Awesome Team

Our staff are the ones who make Yad Leah the success it is.

Karen Thaler, Founder & Israel Director

Originally from Teaneck New Jersey, and an alumna of The Moriah school, Yeshivat Frisch, Stern College and the Azrieli School for Jewish Education of Yeshiva University, Karen made aliya with her family in 1997. After moving to Beitar Illit, Karen founded Yad Leah to help struggling families in her neighborhood with basic clothing essentials. Karen has been the force behind Yad Leah’s expansion throughout Israel. She continues to oversee the Beitar branch operations while building Yad Leah’s distribution network in Israel.

Jessica Katz, Co-Founder & US Director​

Originally from Teaneck NJ, Jessica now resides with her family in Clifton, NJ. She holds a B.A. from Stern College for Women and an MSW from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University. Jessica is responsible for all US based programming including overseeing and managing community and school clothing collections, volunteer programs and all new initiatives.

team members

Jessica Katz, Co-Founder & US Director

Originally from Teaneck NJ, Jessica now resides with her family in Clifton, NJ.  She holds a B.A. from Stern College for Women and an MSW from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University. Jessica is responsible for all US based programming including overseeing and managing community and school clothing collections, volunteer programs and all new initiatives.

Karen Thaler, Founder & Israel Director

Originally from Teaneck New Jersey, and an alumna of The Moriah school, Yeshivat Frisch, Stern College and the Azrieli School for Jewish Education of Yeshiva University, Karen made aliya with her family in 1997. After moving to Beitar Illit, Karen founded Yad Leah to help struggling families in her neighborhood with basic clothing essentials. Karen has been the force behind Yad Leah’s expansion throughout Israel.  She continues to oversee the Beitar branch operations while building Yad Leah’s distribution network in Israel.

team members

Adam Negnewitzky

Marketing Director, Yad Leah Founding Partner, Jewish Link Marketing Solutions

In the US we buy way too much clothing and we'd rather share it with our family in Israel than donate it in a random street corner collection box.

Esther Kowalsky